
    Want to refer a patient to Our Place of Hope

    Download our Referral Form and email it to:

    Physical Address
    600 Holland Avenue

    Cayce, SC 29033

    Mailing Address
    PO Box 213007

    Columbia SC 29221



    Make a difference.

    Help Our Place of Hope make a difference in the lives of hundreds of individuals with mental issues in our community.

    “For a long time I struggled with depression and isolation and had been hospitalized a couple of times. It wasn’t easy at all to deal with this on my own. But then I came to the Clubhouse and they helped me feel like I was worth something. The Clubhouse didn’t treat me like my diagnosis, I was treated as a person.”

    – Clubhouse Member Sarasota, FL

    “When “I” is replaced with “We”, mental illness becomes wellness. Clubhouses are a powerful demonstration of the fact that people with mental illness can and do lead normal productive lives”.

    – Clubhouse International

    “Jason has been an example of taking a challenging new situation and turning it into an opportunity for greater input and leadership within our clubhouse world,” Director Colleen Mackenzie said. “It is resilience and strength at their finest and this is what our clubhouses are about – fostering this in each one of our colleagues.”

    – Crossroads Cape Breton, Canada International Clubhouse.